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Sepik River
Life in the Sepik area revolves around the river, with men paddling narrow dugout canoes full of goods for trade, women fishing or making sago and children joyfully swinging from trees to splash down in the river. The Sepik is a gallery of tribal art, each village boasts a unique style and every villager is an artisan.
The men's house is the place where important decisions regarding the village are made, where boys are initiated and become men and ceremonies to please the spirits are performed. Here the crocodile is worshiped as the water spirit. In excruciatingly painful ceremonies young men have their backs cut to resemble the markings of the crocodile, which is a symbol of strength and power.
BEST TIME to VISIT Papua - New Guinea
From June to September
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua New Guinea - Hela - Huli tribe
Papua New Guinea - Hela - Huli tribe
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua New Guinea - Hela - Huli tribe
young man
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
painting on a church
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik river
small village
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
statue on a spirit house
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
young men
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
mother and child
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
young children
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
as a crocodile... Here the crocodile is worshiped as the water spirit. In excruciatingly painful ceremonies young men have their backs cut to resemble the markings of the crocodile
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
inside the Spirits house - statue
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
top of the Spirits House
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Young Boy
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Spirits House
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Young Boy
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
river and village
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Spirits House
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
inside Spirits house
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
herons on the Sepik River
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
bath in Sepik River
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
young girl
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
village and river
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Spirits dance
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
young woman
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
young girl
Papua - New Guinea - Sepik
woman and young boy
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