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Your Bill : Always check your bill at the hotels at the time of check out - you may find yourself paying for services you never utilized.
Valuables : Always put your cash and valuables in the hotel or room safe, wherever possible. Avoid leaving them in the room in a suitcase or wardrobe.
Before Leaving the hotel :  check the room and bathroom, but also the safety box to be sure you don't forget anything.  Don't forget your battery loaders or any kind of wires for your electronic devices.

Disappointed by your hotel or restaurant? :  Don't forget you can't expect a 4 stars hotel when you booked a 3 stars hotel.  And be aware that rating (stars) may have a different meaning depending on the country.


We know some hotels are displaying pictures reworked digitally or taken with professional cameras where a small room is looking like a junior suite..
Always keep a copy of pictures displayed  (even if hotels always displays the pictures of their more expensive rooms). In case of problem, take the pictures of the hotel and room and try to discuss with the management to get a better room or be refund if the hotel is not respecting its promises.  ​
Always remind that most hotels are very sensitive with their reputation and they won't appreciate bad comments and published pictures on internet forums. 
We recommand to publish a bad and fair review if the hotel is not clean (not acceptable for any hotel, even basic), if the staff is inefficient and pictures if the hotel doesn't look like the pictures they displayed.
We recommend also to publish a good review on your hotel if you had a good stay and if the hotel fits with its description and level of services. Please don't make a bad review for a 3 stars hotel with a 3 stars rate just because it doesn't look like a 4 stars hotel.





WARNING about hotels rating on some famous websites!

Many times, for a real bad experience, we tried to post that experience on a famous website. The reviews were deleted without any notice or explanation, and obviously they never check if it was real experience as they can at least request a proof of stay.
So deleting the bad reviews increased the average note of an hotel and don't reflect the real quality of this hotel. And in many years, the bad hotels and good hotels might have a similar rating.
We badly experienced in the same country 2 wilderness lodges with almost the same price : one was on nature National Geographic list and was rates 5/5 and it was fantastic at all levels. So we found another wilderness lodge on such rating website with a 4.5/5 and we booked it , and it was a disaster as they don't deserve at all that level of rating: very basic room, bad food, only one guide for walks and, on top,  a bad behavior from owner which was drunk.
We tried to post our experience, but it was refused many times and we checked : this property was on the list of the properties "sold" (in fact they just orient you on partners websites but they get a commission) so it's an interest conflict as you can't have interest to "sell" a booking in a property and also rate the same property. So when a bad hotel get a 4.5/5, he feel entitled to increase its rate at such level and the good properties which deserves the rating are disadvantaged as they work a lot to provide such level : good staff, good food, good room..
Also, it is completely abnormal that most of these companies don't ask a proof of your ID and a proof of your stay. It means there is many fake reviews on some websites : a competitor can give many bad reviews creating easily many emails, or the owner or its friend and family can also create many good reviews. And on top, some offshore companies are selling fake reviews for a cheap rate (check internet).
In fact, they don't mind about the rating activity and don't sopend too much money to check the posts (in fact, it's worst as some fake restaurants have been accepted on these websites, and they even get reviews!). The rating is just a lure as it is free for customers, but iallows these companies to attract millions of customers and travellers which are searching for restaurants, hotels or activities. Their main and only interest is to sell your data, to promote against a commission some specific properties, and also some of these companies offers also some marketing contracts to promote the properties. So business is the main purpose of these free rating websites.
We have been trapped and disappointed many times and now we don't check any more those reviews as it is not trustable, neither the image of reality.


NEVER FORGET : when it's free you are the product

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