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BENIN - Voodoo is still alive
Benin is considered as the birth place of this religion, and the name ‘Voodoo’ itself means ‘spirit’ in the local Fon language. It has been suggested that Voodoo in West Africa evolved from the ancient traditions of ancestors and animism. The forms of Voodoo practiced today, however, are the results of one of the most inhuman episodes in modern history – the African slave trade that took place between the 16 th and 19 th centuries. When African slaves were brought to the Americas to work on plantations, they brought Voodoo with them. The practice of African religions were prohibited, and all white masters tried to Christianize their slaves. Although the slaves accepted Roman Catholicism, they did not give up their traditional beliefs either. Instead, the old and the new were syncretised, producing some unique results. Many of the Catholic saints were identified with traditional Voodoo lwas (spirits) or held a double meaning for the practitioners of Voodoo. Today there is many kinds of Voodoo practices depending of the country : Louisiana (USA), Haiti, Domenican Republic..
From November to January

Sacred Forest - Gate

house with Voodoo paintings

Sacred Forest - Gate

Building a Voodoo shrine

Sacred Forest - statue and very old tree

Voodoo shrine

Python shrine

Python shrine

Python Shrine

local Market - Voodoo items or medecine

local Market - Voodoo items or medecine

local Market - Voodoo items or medecine

entrance of the Python Shrine

Secret Forest - statue

Secret Forest entrance

Wall of the Python Shrine

Secret Forest in Ouidah

Wall of the Python Shrine

Pythons are kept in the Python temple. Voodoo is still practiced.

Royal Family celebration

Voodoo bas-relief carved on a house

Voodoo figure

Voodoo figure

Secret Forest - Voodoo figure

house with a Voodoo painting : goddess riding a pig

Royal Family celebration - dancer

Royal Family celebration

Royal Family celebration

Royal Family celebration

Royal Family celebration - dancing

Dankoli - Voodoo fetish. This animist religion is still practiced with animals sacrifice (eaten after) and scenes can be very graphic with blood and smells.

Secret Forest - Statue

Secret Forest - Gate