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Benin (formerly Dahomey) is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Togo to the west, Nigeria to the east, and Burkina Faso and Niger to the north. The capital of Benin is Porto-Novo, but the seat of government is in Cotonou, the country's largest city and economic capital. Benin is a tropical, sub-Saharan country, highly dependent on agriculture, with substantial employment and income arising from subsistence farming.
From November to January
Tailor shop
two boys paddling
Lake Noukoué - the african Venise
Lake Noukoué - fisherman lauching the net
Lake Noukoué - houses and water channels
Natitingou - Market
women carrying charcoal
Butcher at work
Royal Palace
typical house
Family journey on a motorbike
a real competition or gas station as these bottles contains gasoline imported illegaly from Nigeria
Lake Noukoué - Mother paddling with children
Hairdresser called "God only". Many shops have very religious names.
Hairdresser for men
two cows are travelling on the top of that car
you can wash your car at this station
Secret Forest entrance
Lake Noukoué - windsailing on the lake
around the market
Tata Somba are two-story houses
Secret Forest in Ouidah
Tata Somba
Pendjari National Park - lionness
Pendjari National Park - Elephant
Pendjari National Park - strange bird
Royal family courtyard - the Lion is the symbol of one of the Abomey Kings
Royal Family relative building - Voodoo
Pythons are kept in the Python temple. Voodoo is still practiced.
Voodoo - Royals & Initiates celebration- This picture has a poor quality (distance, no flash allowed, moving dancers and a basic camera)
Royal Palace
Former Palace for the Prince
Memorial facing the Atlantic Ocean
Memorial facing the Atlantic ocean
Traffic is intense with a lot of motobikes
Voodoo bas-relief carved on a house
Sandy beach on Atlantic Ocean
Lake Nouaké - going to city market
Pendjari National Park - Antelope
Tata Somba houses
house with a Voodoo painting : goddess riding a pig
Royal Family celebration - dancer
Royal Family celebration
big truck giving a ride to children with their bike
Royal Family celebration
heavy load for this car
young boy
Royal Family celebration
lizard (female as the male has a flashy yellow head)
lizard with yellow head (male)
catholic church
Royal Family celebration
Royal Family celebration - dancing
mother and child
in Ouidah, the Catholic church is just in front the Voodoo Python Temple (or shrine)
hairdresser for men
Pendjari National Park - Stork
local market
Tata Somba
women at the market
Termite mount
women bringing wood back home
selling local cheese
Memorial to the last King which ruled Benin
local market
Dankoli - Voodoo fetish. This animist religion is still practiced with animals sacrifice (eaten after)
women and baby
Secret Forest - Statue
Secret Forest - Gate
Statue of a slave
Lake Noukoué - Lady paddling
Statue of a slave's head